New Hope Small Groups

Do you GO to Church ….

…. or ….​

are you PART OF the Church


Small Groups at New Hope …where Church gets real 

I recently read this quote: “The Church is not dependent on the Building. The Church is dependent on People.”  I have always believed in the New Testament Church Model in Acts 2:46-47: (vs. 46) “Every day they continued to meet together in the Temple Courts. (Church Celebration), they broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, (Small Home Groups, Discipleship),  and in vs. 47 – Praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added daily those who were being saved (Outreach).”

Gods’ model for a modern-day Church: Love God, Love People and Serve the World; is encompassed in those two verses.

Malcolm MacPhailSenior Pastor New Hope Community Church

Small groups are meeting. Are you ready? Click here to Join

Small Groups announcement

Here is what we would like you to consider

  1. Opening your homes to host a group.
  2. Consider leading a group or co-leading.
  3. Be an attendee. Attending a group for discipleship and fellowship/relationship.

Ready to find out more about Hosting?  Click here.

Start the journey into being a part of New Hope Church today

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