Hosting a small group

What is the Purpose of the Hosts System?

To cultivate a healthy (Purpose-Driven) group that produces healthy disciples over time. Hebrews 10:24-25; Ephesian 2:19; Colossians 1:28

What is the Primary Role of a Host?

    H ave a heart for people

    O pen your home or zoom

    S erve with a humble heart 

    T urn on the video 

What is the Ideal Host Profile:

 Reluctant and yet ready, shepherd’s heart, servant leader and growing spiritually. 

What is the Philosophy behind the Host System?

The Host role is designed to give people a simple step into small group leadership. 

  • Video curriculum brings the master teacher to them (prevents heresy)
  • It’s a short term experience 
  • A baby step to being a Small Group Leader 
  • Training happens from the video section “Help for Hosts”
  • Simple curriculum to lead
  • Follow-up strategy from Host to Leader through the Small Group Leadership Development Pathway 

Safety During Small Groups

Individual hosts are responsible for how they follow COVID guidelines on their property.

Have a heart for people

Open up your home/backyard or an online meeting

Serve with a humble heart

Turn on the video using a laptop or TV or online meeting

Small Groups
Help you grow

Number Of Groups
Number of Guests

Your Small Group

Part of the function of the Church is to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the community.

Small groups study the word and live the word.

There will be practical projects for your small group to take part in.